Many parents are forced to go down the private doctor route as they are so desperate to put an end to the pain and suffering their little one is going through. Not to mention the effects it can have on Mum, Dad and the rest of the family.
Signs of Reflux
Lots of spitting up
Coughing/clearing of throat
Inconsolable crying
Refusing feed
Wanting feed then refusing
Bad breath
Inadequate weight gain
What seems like constant hiccups
Excessive wind
Lots of babies cry, we know that, although most mothers know their babies and know what each cry means, hungry, wet, tired etc. But inconsolable crying, especially at night with or without vomit can be a sign of Reflux or Silent Reflux. The first port of call is a trip to your GP, they may prescribe Infant Gaviscon, which may or may not work. Other changes such as propping up the head end of the babies bed/moses basket can help, as can smaller more frequent feeds. Some babies need further medication, and some (if breastfed) may also benefit from the mother excluding dairy from her diet. If formula fed then a low allergy formula may also be prescribed. It can take time to find the perfect combination of all of the above to soothe your little ones pain. If it does continue, however, you will hopefully be referred to a Paediatric Gastroenterologist. Most babies will outgrow reflux by the time of their first birthday, though some sadly require ongoing medication, particularly where there is a family history of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
This website below is a massive support to any parent who’s child is suffering from Reflux, as is the Facebook support page, also below.