Natural Skincare that’s good for your family – and the world they are growing up in.

Natural Skincare that’s good for your family – and the world they are growing up in.
Hi, I’m Grace. I have been working in childcare for over 25 years. I have had the pleasure of being part of many families during this time. I am a mother to a wonderful son, who makes my heart sing everyday. I have always juggled family life with my work life, and many of the children that I have cared for have come to love my boy too! Alongside my childcare practice, I have recently become an Ambassador for Tropic Skincare. Having used Tropic myself since 2020 and been blown away by the fantastic effects it has on my face and body, I decided to become part of the Tropic team and have been helping families find a way to naturally provide for the skin needs of themselves and their children since.
What is Tropic?
Tropic is a skincare brand with a huge difference. The products are sourced from nature – with no harmful ingredients. Tropic is built around their
Infinite Purpose: To help build a healthier, greener, more empowered world.
Healthier– Every product is freshly made using the very best of green science. That’s why you wont find Tropic on the shelf in a retailer – it is all freshly made to order. We use green and natural ingredients which are independently clinically proven for their benefits and efficacy. We believe that what we feed our skin should be as nourishing as what we feed our bodies.
Greener-Tropic is certified Carbon Neutral and double offsets all of their emissions through global conservation projects – helping to ensure that what we put on our skin will not harm our beautiful planet. All the products are made here in the UK factory using renewable energy too!
Tropic is also vegan and cruelty free, and is “Protect Land and Sea” Certified.
And we are also a Zero Waste to Landfill company-amazing considering one third of all landfill are beauty related products!!
More Empowered– Helping others is at the heart of Tropic’s ethos. We work with United World Schools to donate school days – and have even built three schools in Cambodia, Nepal and Madagascar.
Tropic also support the Trussell Trust which helps to provide for foodbanks here in the UK.
Finally Tropic support the Winnnie Mabaso Foundation who help women and children affected by HIV and AIDS.
So, that’s who Tropic is. But what can it do for you and your family?
There are a number of amazing products designed for babies and children, plus products that really help during pregnancy, and post-partum. Here are a few of them;
Babies and children.
As a mother myself, I understand how difficult it is to ensure our baby and child’s skin is healthy and well nourished, and to know that there are effective products that can be used which are natural and not full of chemicals is really comforting as a parent. Plus all children’s products are independently approved by Paediatricians, and Certified Organic for that extra peace of mind.
Little Emy Nappy Cream– This reparative, nutritious nappy cream will soothe soreness and reduce rashes using gentle calming ingredients. It’s the perfect “go-to” for this very sensitive area
Little Joey Baby Milk-This bath milk is amazing for all skin, including dry and eczema-prone skin. Pop a capful in the bath and allow the milk to gently cleanse and nourish the skin, leaving it soft and calm.
Little Roary Baby Oil-Using Golden Jojoba Oil at it’s best, this soothing oil is incredibly gentle, ultra-hydrating and deeply nourishing-even for the most sensitive,or eczema-prone skin. The best bit? Spending time massaging it onto your baby or child to soothe and calm them will bring calming peace to you both, and strengthen your bond even deeper.
Mothers and Mums-to-be.
Its very well-known that once you are expecting child, your every thought goes into ensuring the very best for them.
But we are important too. While pregnancy is quite a mind-blowing condition (an actual tiny human is growing inside me)!!! Our own bodies take a huge toll in producing our little heirs!
Tropic have a number of products to help our own well-being.
Growing Tummies
I watched my tummy grow with complete amazement when I was carrying my son. Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly get any bigger – I just kept on stretching!! But with this came that infernal itch as the skin moves to make room. And those stretch marks!
Don’t get me wrong, I am proud of my body for giving me the most precious gift, but it’s also good to know that we can ease the itching and the appearance of stretch marks with some amazing natural and safe products;
Tamanu Cream-This ultimate cream is amazing for soothing that itch. Nourishing and hydrating, it also helps to accelerate cell repair and calms stretch marks.
Elixir Oil-This oil is fantastic on any part of the body. It really helps keep itching at bay and reduces the appearance of stretch marks. It is ultra-nourishing for the skin and adds to your ‘glow.’
Great for a pregnancy massage – you can get your partner involved too, and enjoy that closeness.
Personal Matters
Ok, lets’ talk about the changes in our intimate area. It’s something not spoken about so much, but hormone changes and the pressure of carrying a baby can make your private area very sensitive and uncomfortable. Post-partum, it is also very sore! And those hormones are all over the place for a while too – making your intimate area sigh with discomfort!
Rinse and Retreat-Tropic have created an incredibly gentle, sensitive body wash which is ideal for pregnancy and post-partum intimate areas. It has been very carefully blended to bring PH balance in this area and leaves you feeling fresh and soothed.
And finally!
Every parent should have a little pot of Tamanu Balm in their handbag, nappy bag and at home!
Known as Green Gold – Tamanu Balm has been used for years (including battle wounded soldiers) to heal skin. It is perfect for children as they begin to explore their world and gain some independence. Tamanu Balm accelerates skin cell production, so is amazing for cuts, grazes, sunburn, bumps, scrapes and insect bites. I keep a pot with me whilst at work and it is perfect for childhood “mishaps!!!”
I also use it personally to help keep my eczema prone skin hydrated and clear of dry patches – it truly is Green Gold!!
Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you would like any more information, or to talk about your family’s skin health and the benefits of Tropic, please feel free to get in touch below, and as a thank you, you will get a free gift with your first order*
Tropic with Grace
*Free gift of Lip Love, nourishing balm for lips and dry skin, subject to availability