Why you should employ a nanny

A question I get asked a lot is why nannies are so good compared to other options. Here are some reasons why I tell families that a nanny is a great addition to a family.
You should employ a nanny for … the Convenience
A nanny comes to your home. In the morning rush of getting yourself ready for the day ahead, perhaps making lunches, collecting up homework, etc etc (the list goes on!), you can avoid the extra chore of taking a child or children eslewhere. In fact, a nanny can do all of the above for you (except get you ready!), in your home so that you can just focus on yourself.
You should employ a nanny for … Lightening the load
Children’s laundry. Keeping children’s rooms, including playrooms, tidy. Finding the right batteries for toys that need them (even if sometimes you’d prefer that they don’t work!). Sorting out old toys and clothes that no longer fit. Preparing children’s food. All of these tasks can be incorporated into a nanny’s role. You no longer need to spend Sunday afternoons putting away clean clothes or Saturday mornings meal planning for the week ahead. You can do those things, of course, if you like but wouldn’t you prefer to be out having fun with your children rather than caught up in boring jobs?
You should employ a nanny for … Consistency
Nannies provide continuity. They’re a constant. And that can be really important if you’re having a busy time at work and working late or, perhaps, travelling for your job too. We all know that children like routine and whether your nanny is live in or not, the fact that a nanny is there helps when other parts of a child’s life are ‘not normal.’
You should employ a nanny for … Sleep
For babies, I can help you find a night nanny also known as a maternity nurse. They are there throughout the night, helping you with bottle feeding or bringing baby in for breastfeeding. Importantly, they will then settle baby, allowing the parent to turnover and go back to sleep without the pacing around that you read about. Sleep, as we all know, is invaluable especially in those first weeks and months and even more important if you’re juggling working with a newborn.
But even if your nanny only works daytime hours, that’s a ‘weight lifted’. The fact that a nanny is part of your family, you know that there will always be someone taking care of the children, no matter what happens, allowing you to sleep easy.
You should employ a nanny for … Holiday childcare
When every other parent is wondering how to entertain the children during the school holidays, you can feel smug knowing that you have fantastic entertainment under your own roof! Nannies are not just there to care for your children, but they are there to play too: they can organise days out, fun stuff to do at home and play dates with friends.
It doesn’t mean your children can’t go to holiday camps, but it does mean that your nanny can take them there and bring them home without you having to interrupt your day. And depending on the arrangement you have with your nanny, they may be able to come away on holiday with you, giving you more time to laze by the pool!
You should employ a nanny for … Children with extra needs
If your child has extra needs, a second pair of hands can be very useful. I can help you find a nanny with the skills and experience relevant to your child and family to help you with the day-to-day or through the night.
You don’t need to employ a nanny five days a week so it could be that a nanny provides you with respite care, giving you time to rest and restore or tend to the rest of the family’s needs.
You should employ a nanny for … Babysitting
It’s not a given that your nanny will babysit. It would need to be written into their contract or arranged and paid for separately. But, many parents do ask their nannies to babysit which makes going out very easy! Your nanny knows your children, knows the lay-out of the house and importantly for you, you know that you’re leaving your children with someone they and you know, like and trust. Again, it’s one more job off the list, one less thing on your mind. You can go out and enjoy yourself, worry free!
You should employ a nanny for … Peace of mind
In my opinion, a nanny is the easiest childcare option. Nannies really do become part of the family: a helping hand, an entertainer, soother, children’s cook and disciplinarian, if need be. They don’t take over; they won’t replace you as parents but they are an extra pair of hands.
You can get on with your life, knowing that your children are in safe hands giving you absolute peace of mind.
If you’d like to discuss any of this with me – or to give me some more reasons why nannies are great! – you can give me a call on 07778 923 400 or 01732 838417
Hazel x